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Layer.studio X Studio Hoodless Design Hack
Flip It Regen Playbook:
50 moves to deliver

Join us as we design sprint through a series of themed hacks to identify the blockers and bridges to regeneration success.

Why is it so difficult to deliver regeneration?
Why do so many masterplans and strategies gather dust on a shelf?
A myriad of factors influence and inform plan making, different in every place.
What if there was a road map to successful delivery of regeneration?…
Welcome to 

Flip it Regen
An interactive design hack that uncovers the win factors by starting at the end and working backwards through the process.
Team work featuring post it notes
Person covered in post it notes

Join us

Join us as we design sprint through a series of themed hacks to identify the blockers and bridges to regeneration success.

Mayfield Park, Manchester’s first new public park in a century